
SUPERCHARGE Your Confidence, Erupt with Contagious Happiness, and COMMAND Any Room with a Voice That Demands to Be Heard

It’s called High Value Expression

High Value Expression

It's Time to Unleash the Almighty Transformational Performer Within

And Let Your Divine Voice Shake the Heavens

You were born for more than quiet whispers and feeble mumblings. The fire burning inside you demands to be fully expressed!

For the Next 90 Days, I'll Be Your Coach on an Epic Journey to Activate Your Flo, Speak and Command Any Stage Like a Godd*mn Paragon of Self-Expression.

Together, we'll transform you into The Divine Storyteller with the power to:

✦ Captivate audiences of any size through shockwaves of authentic communication

✦ Channel resonant messaging that instantly converts listeners into loyal followers

✦ Become the undisputed Influential Leader destined to leave your mark on this world

This isn't just about vocal drills or cheap parlour tricks. We're doing the real inner AND outer work required.

Because Something Higher Is Dying to Be Expressed Through YOU!

It's time to dismantle every limitation, burn away every insecurity, and allow the Unstoppable Speaker within to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of your former self.

Hope Sascha

“I recently had a coaching call with Jacyntha, that was nothing short of Amazing! Her vibrant and optimistic outlook instantly shifted my vibration, causing a ripple effect and landing me a new client the very next day. She has the ability to light a spark within you that will result in a long-lasting flame of success; thank you Jacyntha, for all that you do. Forever grateful.”




Together, we'll uncover what holds you back through techniques like:

Transformational dialogue coaching

Customized vocal training

Fearless mindset building

Message mapping for maximum impact.

Meet The Singing Speaker & Coach

I'm Jacyntha, founder of Spark Your Brilliance I know what it feels like to have an important message burning inside you but lack the confidence and skills to set it free. I've walked in your shoes. But with the right training, mentoring, and support - your fears can transform into freedom of expression.

You can become a divine vessel that expresses your magic with power, potency and possibility.

My story of transformation starts in 2009.

Have you ever had a thought so overwhelming its force breaks you down? 

In 2009, ending my life was an option. 

It was an overwhelming elephant-sized thought running through my mind. 

Trampling me from the inside. 

One thought at a time. 

I began to break down. 

To submit every part of my will to the thought. 

And one thing changed it. 


Love interrupted that stream of consciousness at the exact moment I needed it. 

At the exact moment, my hands were placed on the ledge.

At the very moment, I can hear the cars honking and speeding from beneath me. 

You see, I was on a bridge when these thoughts began to overwhelm me. 

The very bridge. 

That had tried my will in my teenage years. 

But can I tell you about the power of love? 

And how love can resurrect you, give you wings, and help you do the bravest things. 

This love was in the form of a phone call. 

A phone call that would show concern. 

And ask me how I am doing. And do not take the quivering. I am fine, response. 

This love. 

Let me speak my truth.

And use my voice for the good.

This is why I believe that every voice counts.

Deserves to be used.

Because you never know who needs to hear your truth.


Client Testimonial - Lalita Patel

Meet Loncen.