Sale Price:£97.00 Original Price:£397.00

This powerful mastermind is for the woman who feels ready to tear down the limits that societal constructs have placed on her greatness. If you have been living under fearful illusions that were never real - now is the time to unleash your voice and step into your full power.

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This powerful mastermind is for the woman who feels ready to tear down the limits that societal constructs have placed on her greatness. If you have been living under fearful illusions that were never real - now is the time to unleash your voice and step into your full power.

This powerful mastermind is for the woman who feels ready to tear down the limits that societal constructs have placed on her greatness. If you have been living under fearful illusions that were never real - now is the time to unleash your voice and step into your full power.

This powerful mastermind is for the woman who feels ready to tear down the limits that societal constructs have placed on her greatness. If you have been living under fearful illusions that were never real - now is the time to unleash your voice and step into your full power.

For too long, outdated narratives have told brilliant women to shrink themselves - to tuck away their talents, ideas, and dreams so as not to threaten the status quo. But the journey ends here. This mastermind welcomes the rule-breakers and glass-ceiling shatterers. The “black sheep,” “outcasts,” and those labelled “unpopular” or “weird." Your time is now.

Over 6 transformative months, we will dismantle negative self-talk, leave behind internalized oppression, and rewrite new stories aligned with who God/Universe is calling you to be. Consider this a clarion call to speak your wildest truth and rise to the level of impact, influence, and abundance you were born for.

Together, we will shape brave spaces for radical self-love and self-acceptance. Our container will overflow with sisterhood, solidarity, and sacred purpose. You’ll step confidently into the fullest expression of your Zone of Genius - where purpose meets passion meets prosperity.

The old system depends on women remaining small and silent. When we come together in our collective power, magic unfolds. Are you ready to create waves?

This powerful 6 month mastermind starts on January 28th, 2024.

The program includes:

  • 6 Live Group Coaching Calls (one per month) - dive deep into monthly topics and get real-time coaching

  • Replay access - if you can't attend the live calls, replays will be available

  • 6 Months of WhatsApp Support - connect with your sisters anytime; get accountability, encouragement and pocket coaching

The live coaching calls will be on the 4th Monday of each month at 8pm GMT:

January 28th
February 25th March 25th April 22nd
May 27th June 24th

By the end of the 6 months, you'll have the strategies, sisterhood and structure in place to step fully into your purposeful work in the world while being radically true to yourself. This is your moment. Take the leap!